Waterbury Housing Task Force
Meetings: 3rd Thursday of each month at 6:00pm at the Steele Community Room at 28 North Main Street.
- Chris Balzano
- Joe Camaratta
- P. Howard "Skip" Flanders (EFUD)
- Kati Gallagher (Planning Commission)
- Peter Hack
- Alyssa Johnson (Select Board)
- MaryEllen Lamson
- Eliza Novick-Smith
- Owen Sette-Ducati (Revitalizing Waterbury)
The purpose of the Waterbury Area Housing Task Force is to advance goals in the Waterbury Municipal Plan pertaining to housing (below), and to engage in other areas of work related to housing as agreed upon by the group. The task force is intended to complement and enhance the work of other municipal Committees and Commissions.
Housing Goals in the Waterbury Municipal Plan (p. 45)
Ensure the availability of safe, decent and affordable housing for all current and future Waterbury residents.
Create new housing in locations that maintain the integrity of neighborhoods while increasing density, respecting the natural environment, and minimizing the need for infrastructure improvements.