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Planning Commission


Robert Adlerrobbie.adler@
Dana Allen, Vice Chair  dana.j.allen@
Kati Gallagherkngallag@
Martha Staskus, Chairwbypc.staskus@
Billy Vigdorwvigdor@

The Planning Commission is appointed by Town Select Board.

Meetings: 2nd and 4th Monday of each month at the Steele Community Room at 28 North Main Street

Town Plan Update Survey
The Waterbury Planning Commission is conducting a community survey to kick off the 2026 Town Plan update. The survey will help to gauge perceptions of how Waterbury is doing, and to inform Waterbury's vision for the future. Your voice is needed! Complete the Community Survey by clicking on this link and completing by December 1st.

planWTB is a community planning process designed to help Waterbury residents and stakeholders choose the future they want for the community.

Led by the Waterbury Planning Commission, the process will allow us to create a community vision for the future and map out an action plan to make it happen.

Thank you for your interest, and please check back for updates!


2024 Agendas

2024 Minutes