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Hope Davey & Ice Center Area Parks Study

Posted Thursday, April 21, 2022

A. Introduction
The Town of Waterbury is requesting proposals for a consultant to perform a study and prepare master plans for multi-use recreation and natural resource management for two parks, Hope Davey Park and the public lands in vicinity of the Ice Center of Washington West where heavily used, developed, and un-developed recreation facilities already exist. The purpose of this study is to inventory the recreation and natural resources of these two park areas and make recommendations for future active and passive recreation facilities, conservation of the natural resources, and overall management of the properties by the Town. The intention of the study is to be fully inclusive of all people participating in, interested in, and impacted by these two park areas. The overall goal of the study is to examine how to balance the development and operation of active and passive recreation uses and facilities with the natural and cultural resources of these two park areas and their vicinities.

B. Background
Hope Davey Park is a 28.7-acre parcel in Waterbury Center in the vicinity of Maple St. and Loomis Hill Rd. that was purchased with assistance from a Land & Water Conservation Fund grant in 1980 (see map included below). The 8+/- acre area in the western portion of the property was re-developed with a second LWCF grant in 1995 for additional active recreation uses including ballfields, a playground, basketball court, horseshoe pits, and a picnic shelter. A loop nature trail was also established in the easterly 20+/- acre area portion of the park in the late 1990’s. This 20+/- acre area was developed with an 18 “hole” disc golf course in the early 2000’s by community volunteers and the nature trail became fragmented and disused. The 40-acre area in the vicinity of the Ice Center of Washington West on River Rd was previously owned by the Village of Waterbury and is now owned by the Edward Farrar Utility District (EFUD) that took over all the assets of the Village of Waterbury in 2018. In addition to the Ice Center of Washington West, the property has been developed with parking and access to the Perry Hill Mountain Bike Trails, a bike pump park, a full-size soccer field, a dog park, and a materials storage area operated by the Town of Waterbury. 
The entire 40-acre parcel in the vicinity of the Ice Center is under Act 250 jurisdiction. The Hope Davey Park parcel is not currently under Act 250 jurisdiction. Both parcels are heavily used by the public for both active and passive recreation activities.
Formal and informal citizen “interest groups” supporting the individual facilities or uses in them have been formed.

C. Scope of Work
The scope of this project will consist of field work and discussions about the community’s desires for the parcels and a master planning process with the following outcomes:
• A project steering committee will be formed with approximately eight members, comprised of municipal staff and representatives from the Town of Waterbury Recreation
Committee, the various recreation organizations that use both parks and are interested in managing existing and developing additional recreation facilities, and the neighborhoods adjacent to the parks.

The consultant will carry out the following tasks:
• Meet with partner organizations including but not limited to Capitol Soccer, the Waterbury skatepark committee, Center Chains Disc Golf, the Ice Center of Washington West, and the Waterbury Area Trails Alliance (WATA).
• Compile all existing surveys and develop base maps for both sites showing all existing recreation and natural resources. Identify and delineate all Class II and Class III wetlands on both sites.
• Review existing historic and archaeological resource inventories that have already been prepared by qualified experts for the vicinity of the Ice Center to determine potential
impacts to said resources. Carry out a reconnaissance-level historic resources survey of both sites and an “Archaeological Resources Assessment” of Hope Davey Park that will
avoids excavations but will determines where and how much of a proposed project area has “archaeologically sensitive” land.
• Meet with the project Steering Committee a minimum of three times.
• Develop and carry out an inclusive public engagement process in conjunction with the Steering Committee, using the state Town Forestry Recreation Planning Tool Kit as a
model, as appropriate. The toolkit can be accessed at this link:
• Assist the Steering Committee to facilitate a minimum of two public meetings, including a minimum of one meeting involving the Waterbury Select Board and Edward Farrar
Utility District Commissioners, to discuss the study. One public meeting may include a “charrette” session to further develop options for the future of both park areas.
• Identify significant issues that need to be addressed if use of the existing recreation facilities is to continue and carrying capacity for any current and future facilities. I.E.: natural resource protection, ADA access, etc…. Include the services of a consulting arborist as an add alternate to evaluate the impact of the existing disc golf course at Hope Davey Park to the existing wooded areas in the park. These services will include recommendations for possible relocation and adjustments to the disc golf course holes
that traverse wooded areas, and possible mitigation for any impacts on the existing trees.
• Identify all necessary documentation, permits, approvals, permission, long-term leases necessary to allow current and future facilities.
• Generate conceptual and preliminary master plans for both park areas showing existing and future recreation facilities and the conservation and management of important natural resources such as wetlands, forest and open areas. These master plans will show options for additional park facilities such as ball fields and a skatepark in the vicinity of the Ice Center, and the re-establishment of a nature trail at Hope Davey Park.
• Develop preliminary cost estimates for final design and implementation. The work should be broken down into manageable phases with a prioritization system for capital budgeting purposes.
• Submit a draft report, including the conceptual and preliminary master plans, budget, and documentation of the public process including a narrative describing all issues identified during the public process.
• Help facilitate a third and concluding public meeting with the Waterbury Select Board and Edward Farrar Utility District Commissioners, interested organizations, and members
of the general public.
• Finalize the report.

The draft and final reports will include the elements of the recommended outline included as Attachment A.

The Town will provide the consultant with copies of the following items:

1. Aerial photos of the properties and property tax maps.
2. All available survey data for both sites in paper and/or digital format.
3. Copies of all available agreements and leases between the Town and the EFUD and
organizations that utilize the properties for recreation purposes.
4. Other reasonably available items as requested.

A successful proposal shall have the following characteristics:

1. Demonstrated background and experience in recreation planning and design.
2. Ability to understand issues regarding balancing active and passive community recreation
needs and desires and the management and budgetary issues faced by municipalities.
3. Ability to understand potential natural and cultural resource issues associated with recreation
facility development and the conflicts that sometimes arise.
4. Ability to provide preliminary cost estimates for proposed scenarios.
5. Ability to lead an inclusive public engagement process including, but not limited to, design
charrettes and presentations to the community.

D. Project Oversight and Communication

Steve Lotspeich, Planning and Zoning Director, and Nick Nadeau, Recreation Director, will be responsible for managing the project on behalf of the Town of Waterbury, with oversight by William Shepeluk, the Municipal Manager. This will include approving invoices and providing direction and assistance to the consultant. The project Steering Committee for the project will provide general project guidance for the overall project. Bill Woodruff, the Municipal Public Works Director will also make himself reasonably available to the consultant for the discussion of general parks, highway, and other public works related issues.

E. Response Format
Responses to this RFP should consist of the following:
A.) A technical proposal consisting of:
1. A cover letter expressing the consultant’s interest in working with the Town of Waterbury,
including identification of the principal individuals that will provide the requested services,
including any sub-consultants.
2. A description of the general approach to be taken toward completion of the project, an
explanation of variances to the proposed scope of work as outlined in the RFP, and insights
into the project gained as a result of developing the proposal and previous experience.
3. A schedule of work that includes detailed steps to be taken, including any products or
deliverables resulting from each task.
4. A brief statement describing why your firm is qualified to undertake the work requested.
5. A summary of estimated labor hours by task that clearly identifies the project team members
and the number of hours performed by each team member by task.
6. A proposed schedule that indicates project milestones and overall time for completion.
7. A list of individuals that will be committed to this project and their professional qualifications.
The names and qualifications of any sub-consultants shall be included in this list.
8. Demonstration of success on similar projects, including brief project descriptions and contact
names and addresses for reference.
9. A representative work sample similar to the type of work being requested.
Please note that Items 1 – 6 should be limited to no more than 10 pages. Resumes, professional
qualifications and work samples are not included in this total.

B.) A separate cost proposal consisting of a composite schedule by task of direct labor hours,
direct labor cost per class of labor, overhead rate, and fee for the project. If the use of subconsultants
is proposed, a separate schedule must be provided for each. Provide hourly rates for
all consultant and sub-consultant personnel including the add alternate for the services of a
consulting arborist.

F. Funding
This project is funded with $50,000 of Town of Waterbury funds.
G. Contract Time Period
It is anticipated that the Waterbury Select Board will award a contract to the selected consultant
in early June, 2022. All work on the project must be completed by December 15, 2022.
H. Consultant Selection
The consultant selection will be made by the Waterbury Select Board on recommendation from an advisory committee. The advisory committee will include Town staff and may include representatives from the Select Board, EFUD Commissioners, and the Town Recreation Committee. This committee may elect to interview consultants prior to final selection and use cost as a factor in making an award recommendation to the Select Board. The advisory committee will review technical proposals based on the following criteria:
1. Qualifications of the firm and the personnel to be assigned to this project. (15 Pts.)
2. Experience of the consultant personnel working together as a team to complete similar projects. (15 Pts.)
3. Project approach including demonstration of overall project understanding and insights into local conditions and potential issues. (20 Pts.)
4. Demonstrated knowledge of Project Area (15 Points)
5. Clarity of the proposal, creativity/thoroughness in addressing the scope of work. (20 Pts.)
6. Submission of a complete proposal with all elements required by the RFP including fee structure (15 Pts.)

I. Submissions
Consultants wishing to be considered for this project should submit one electronic copy and two paper copies of their proposal to:
Steve Lotspeich, Planning & Zoning Director
Town of Waterbury
28 N. Main St., Suite 1
Waterbury, VT 05676
Questions about the project should be directed to Steve Lotspeich at the e-mail address above or by phone at (802) 244-1012.

All proposals must be received no later than 12:00 noon on Friday, 5/13/22. Proposals and/or modifications received after this time will not be accepted or reviewed. No facsimile-machine produced proposals will be accepted.

All proposals become the property of the Town upon submission. The expense of preparing and submitting a proposal is the sole responsibility of the consultant. The Town reserves the right to reject any or all proposals received, to negotiate with any qualified source, or to cancel in part or in its entirety this RFP as is in the best interest of the Town. This solicitation in no way obligates the Town to award a contract.

Attachment A:
Recommended Outline for the Parks Study & Master Plan
I. PURPOSE AND NEED OF THE PROJECT – Identify goals and objectives. Provide description of existing conditions and how do they support or hinder the goals.
II. PROJECT AREA AND EXISTING CONDITIONS – Identify the project areas including existing conditions and location of existing recreation and other municipal facilities.
III. NATURAL AND CULTURAL RESOURCES – Identify and inventory the natural and cultural resources listed below. Include resource maps indicating identified resources and the relationship to the existing and proposed recreation facilities. Develop a resource impact matrix for inclusion in the final report. Identify constraints, assets and any necessary permits for the development of future recreation facilities and other municipal infrastructure, and modifications to any existing facilities.

A. Natural Resources
1. Wetlands
2. Streams and Rivers (storm water discharge and erosion/sediment control implications)
3. Floodplains
4. Endangered Species
5. Flora/Fauna
6. Forest Land
5. Agricultural Soils
B. Cultural Resources
1. Historic
2. Archaeological
3. Architectural
4. Other Public Lands
IV. PROPOSED RECREATION FACILITIES & MUNICIPAL INFRASTRUCTURE – Hope Davey Park: Include adjustments to existing disc golf course, re-established nature trail,
resource protection areas. Vicinity of Ice Center: Include additional soccer / ball field overlays, skateboard park, possible lighting for recreation facilities, relocated access road, relocated bike pump park, relocated and expanded parking for the Perry Hill bike trail system, and additional parking for other recreation facilities. Include recommended facility improvements needed to meet ADA access requirements. Discuss all options for recreation facilities and other infrastructure that were considered.
V. PHASING & TIME LINE FOR DEVELOPMENT OF FACILITIES & RESOURCE PROTECTION – Include a detailed phasing plan and time line for facility and infrastructure
development and natural resource management to include a proposed time line.