Waterbury Organizations
The following organizations meet for specific purposes within Waterbury.
A River Runs Through It Garden Club (ARRTI)
The organization exists to share gardening techniques, plants, workshops and community enhancing projects within a relaxed and personally enjoyable setting. Each member contributes equally to the ARRTI community of like-minded enthusiasts. To join contact: Wendy Steager wendysteager@ gmail.com
Children's Literacy Foundation (CLiF)
CLiF is a non-profit organization based in Waterbury Center. Our mission is to nurture a love of reading and writing among under-resourced children up to age 12 throughout Vermont and New Hampshire. Since 1998 our free literacy programs have inspired more than 400,000 children in 425 towns including: children in low-income housing and homeless shelters; refugee children; foster children; children of prison inmates; children in childcare and Head Start programs; and children in rural communities where resources are limited. CLiF partners with libraries, shelters, bookmobiles, schools and other organizations to provide these children with new children's books, author visits, writing workshops, storytelling sessions, and other forms of literacy support. CLiF has also given away more than $11 million in new, high-quality books to children with few, if any, books of their own. CLiF does not receive any state or federal funding. We rely entirely on donations from individuals, businesses, foundations, and social organizations. To make a tax deductible donation or for more information please contact CLiF Executive Director Laura Rice at 802-244-0944 or by e-mail (laura@) or visit clifonline.orgwww.clifonline.org.
Community Awareness Services Team (CAST)
Our mission is to increase awareness of the many services available to community members in need by developing better communication between assisting agencies, including The Waterbury Food Shelf, The Salvation Army, The American Legion and the local clergy that support the Good Neighbor Fund. See the group's web page for detailed information www.waterburyvt.com/org/cast/.
Community Gardens
Several acres of land located behind the library building and above the Dac Rowe playing fields has been worked for twenty-plus years by Waterbury community gardeners. Plots are available and can be reserved Click here.
Friends of the Library
The Friends of the Waterbury Public Library promote and support the Library and its services. Click here to visit the Library’s web site and learn more about the Friends.
Fresh Air Fund
The Fresh Air Fund is a non-profit group that has been providing free summer vacations to disadvantaged children from the five boroughs of NYC for 127 years. Families in our area have participated for many years, inviting children age 6 to 12 to come and enjoy everyday family life in Vermont. Children can return year after year and form real and lasting relationships with their Fresh Air hosts. Volunteer hosts are needed and everyone is eligible to apply. All you need is an empty bed and a full heart. For more information visit www.freshair.org.
Green Mountain Performing Arts
Green Mountain Performing Arts (GMPA) is a non-profit community arts center that strives to support confidence, creativity and community. The organization provides fully accessible dance, theatre, and music education in a non-competitive and supportive environment to people of all ages, with a focus on children and youth. For more information, visit www.greenmountainperformingarts.org/.
Historical Society
The Waterbury Historical Society, established in 1958, is a volunteer organization that collects memorabilia and written records on Waterbury's history. It maintains a museum on the second floor of the Waterbury Public Library in Waterbury Village, where a growing collection of artifacts of Waterbury's history and early residents are on display. The Historical Society holds quarterly meetings there, which include public presentations, such as slides, on a variety of topics related to Waterbury's history. In 1996, the Waterbury Historical Society prepared a booklet tour of several Waterbury homes.
Revitalizing Waterbury, Inc.
Revitalizing Waterbury (RW) is a non-profit organization committed to the ongoing renewal of downtown Waterbury, Vermont. Revitalizing Waterbury is committed to projects, events and activities that collectively contribute to preserving and enhancing the vitality of downtown Waterbury. We believe our 'Main Street' has a rich history, an authenticity and tremendous assets. Our revitalization effort aims to capitalize on downtown Waterbury's unique qualities and create appropriate, positive changes. Visit www.revitalizingwaterbury.org for more information about Revitalizing Waterbury and to learn how to get involved.
Waterbury Area Senior Citizens Association
The purpose of the Waterbury Area Senior Citizens Association is to enrich the lives of older persons by providing services and activities that sharpen the minds and improve the physical and emotional health of its members and help keep them active and involved in the life of the community. The center serves more than 17,000 meals a year to seniors in Waterbury, Waterbury Center, Duxbury, Middlesex and Bolton. A tasty, homecooked meal is served daily Monday through Friday, and Meals on Wheels are delivered to homebound seniors by a dedicated staff of volunteer drivers. The center also provides foot care clinics, flu shot clinics, income tax assistance, excursions, and camaraderie. Call us at 802-244-1234 for more information or find us online at www.wasca.org.
Waterbury-Duxbury’s Mentoring Program
The Waterbury-Duxbury Mentoring Program is a school-site mentoring program connects community members with our students. The mentoring program fosters on going one-on-one relationships that focus on the needs of the student. The Waterbury-Duxbury Mentoring Program is currently looking for adults who will spend one hour a week during the school day (8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.), on our school grounds, with a child. That hour may be spent running around on the playground, playing ball, talking, reading, crafting, playing games, doing homework or sharing your interests. If you are interested in mentoring or have some leads as to where we can recruit more mentors, please contact Nerissa Edwards at 244-7195.
Waterbury LEAP (Local Energy Action Partnership)
Waterbury LEAP is volunteer-run nonprofit dedicated to supporting the expansion of renewable energy, energy efficiency, and emissions reduction in Waterbury, Duxbury, and the surrounding region. Since 2007 LEAP members have been involved in scores of projects including: 1) helping two local schools develop on-site solar arrays; 2) organizing weatherization seminars, electric vehicle fests, bike/ped events, and other related activities: 3) hosting the annual LEAP Energy Fair every April which draws more than 60 exhibitors and 700 attendees and is the largest such fair in Vermont; 4) conducting educational efforts in local schools; 5) helping Waterbury and Duxbury quadruple their solar capacity in only two years; and 6) distributing information to local families and businesses of many ways people can reduce their emissions and energy use, and save money. If you would like to join the local Waterbury LEAP volunteers, or if you have any suggestions for potential projects, please contact Duncan McDougall at duncan@ or call him at 802-477-2968. To learn more or to support LEAP's work visit clifonline.orgwww.waterburyleap.org
Waterbury Rotary Club
Our centennial project, Rusty Parker Memorial Park, was started in 1982 the year that Rusty passed away suddenly. A Vermont institute born in 1927, Rusty Parker served the Waterbury community unselfishly for over 20 years. He is remembered not only as the voice of WDEV Radio but as the voice of reason in his role as community leader. As a living memorial, the Rotary converted the park into a central and attractive site developed with an eye to increasing community activity. In 2004 a total of 13 concerts were held every Thursday evening in the Park. The Waterbury Community Band also makes use of the Bandstand. The Rotary Club funds scholarships, supports Boy and Girl Scout troops, the community trust fund, Senior center and international projects, and provides books to the library. The club also provides festivities for holiday celebrations and sponsors the annual Home & Garden Show as well as a continually growing list of activities that have become annual traditions. The Club's 32 members meet every Tuesday at 7:15am at the Waterbury Senior Center. Visit www.rotary-waterbury.org.
Waterbury-Stowe Fish and Game Club
The Waterbury-Stowe Fish and Game Club Is located on a 33 acre parcel of land on Route 100 in Waterbury Center, Vermont. The club was established in 1949 and presently the club has 300 members and is very active thoughout the year. The club objectives are to preserve the natural resources, to promote cooperation between landowners and sportsmen, to teach our children hunting & fishing, and to promote hunter education www.wsfgc.com.